Adele Walton

Contributor and Book Columnist

Kat Euphoria
Beauty FeatureUnshrinking: how to detox from fatphobia
Life & CultureHow does misogyny differ for trans women?
A cultural history of eyeliner
Beauty FeatureHow eyeliner became a symbol of political resistance
Emma Dabiri Disobedient Bodies
Q+AEmma Dabiri: ‘Beauty culture is a reflection of our political climate’
Naomi Klein
Life & CultureNaomi Klein on why everything feels so uncanny right now
Beauty FeatureNow everyone wants to get their permanent make-up removed
Life & CultureThe harrowing reality of life in solitary confinement
Mad World
Life & CultureIs capitalism really driving us all mad?
Life & Culture‘We need to revolt’: inside Britain’s hidden care crisis
Kieran Yates
Life & CultureKieran Yates: ‘We should be critical of the dreams that are sold to us’
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Life & CultureAngela Saini: ‘The fight for trans rights is an anti-patriarchal fight’
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internet body image
Beauty FeatureHow to stop social media ruining your self-esteem
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Life & CultureHow sex workers are fighting the cost of living crisis
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Vicky Spratt
PoliticsHow did things get this bad? On the frontlines of the UK housing crisis