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Illustration by Gabrielle Rosenstein

Horoscopes January 2024: expect dramatic declarations of love

Capricorn season is about adulthood, so set your intentions for the year and prepare to make some important decisions about the way you want to live

Grace McGrade is an intuitive astrologer and priestess based in Los Angeles. She is the host of the podcast “Bitchcraft: Spirituality for Bad People.” For more astrology, read her guide to risings signs and moon signs. Read an overview of what 2024 has coming up for us this year here.

Welcome to 2024! January opens with a steadfast, determined attitude, as Mercury stations direct in the free-spirited sign of Sagittarius on the 1st. We are ready to proudly declare our resolutions for the year ahead, restoring a sense of ambition, supported by Mars’ ingress into can-do Capricorn on the 4th. Capricorn is the third and final earth sign, known for its discipline and drive towards betterment. With the Sun still radiating in the sign of Capricorn until the 20th, we will be motivated to stay busy, setting pragmatic goals we can actually execute. A New Moon in the sign of the Sea Goat on the 11th bodes well for making conscious intentions for our careers in the upcoming year. Use this date to daydream about your dream job, then set a pen to paper. The planets will provide the rest, so long as we can determine what it is we wish to bring to the world at large in the new year. As Mercury moves into Capricorn, our sights stay set on making goals for our professional spheres and strategising for success. 

The Sun conjoins with Pluto, Ruler of the Underworld, in Capricorn on the 20th, before they both move into Aquarius simultaneously. This volatile conjunction exposes what has been happening in the shadows, globally, as the light of the Sun exposes secrecy within our hierarchies and a change in governance. Fears around the future may come up, and interpersonal transformation is incited, as these two celestial bodies meet at zero degrees Aquarius. As the Sun radiates in Awakener Aquarius, our enterprising outlooks become a bit more experimental, as we become disillusioned by the past status quo. An era of changes begins in areas of communication, community and technology. We want to reinvent ourselves, encouraged by the Water Bearer’s thirst for the future. We are rebels with causes, ready to dedicate ourselves to rebuilding systems.

Venus moves from Sagittarius into Capricorn on the 23rd, making us a little more careful in our relationships. We want to find counterparts and confidants who pair words with action, who suit up and show up. Exercising more boundaries, we are more focused on relationships that have longevity and integrity in the next four weeks. A Full Moon on January 25th in Leo reminds us to operate from the heart, as the Sun in detached Aquarius opposes our innermost desires. We are encouraged to not lose sight of our personal purpose, while facing a world in flux. This lunation ends the month with us firmly in our feels, even if it leads to egotistical blowouts, or dramatic admissions of love. We must stay integral to ourselves.

Want to know what 2024 has in store for your sign? Read our yearly horoscopes here.